Tuesday 7 August 2012

Woodland Nursery Theme for Noah's Room

Shopping List
18. Rabbit and hedgehog print cot bedding

One of the biggest challenges I have found when renting a property is trying to co-ordinate your existing belongings which that of your landlords tastes which, lets face it, can be rather dubious sometimes. The walls of Noah's room are what I initially described as 'snot green' but seeing as painting the walls was out of the question (unless I waved goodbye to the ridiculous deposit) I've resistively warmed to the colour over time... now I prefer to describe it as a 'forest green' shade, I personally don't think Dulux would ever go for the 'snot' name suggestion.

The only piece of existing furniture was the huge black wrought iron day bed which slightly dominated the room and unfortunately did not go with any of the white furniture I already had. I am slightly OCD when it comes to matching furniture, so choosing several black and white striped and print fabrics seemed to amend the problem and brought the pieces together pretty well.

With a tight time and money limit I set off to Ikea (where else, I can't get enough of those meatballs, even if the sauce is an unusual hearing aid colour) which is where I spotted this cute printed cot bedding. My Dad said he wasn't sold on the idea of bedding with hedgehogs on it, apparently it would subconsciously make him feel like he was sleeping on a bed of needles. But judging from the sound of Noah snoring like an 90 year old pensioner with a smoking habit the other night, we needn't worry, I don't think he has noticed.

The sheepskin rug was another Ikea bargain. You canny beat a good shagpile! It has definitely helped prevent some serious head injuries now Noah has taken to jumping head first off any furniture he can get his chubby little behind up onto.

At some point I will be adding more pieces, including white curtains with a black pom pom trim (damn straight my boy is having pompom trim in his room!) and some more lighting and artwork but for the time being this starting point will do nicely.

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